Thursday 13 October 2016

Category E - Simplification

The river scene is simplified

The Rhine panorama was a great success but different publishers had their own individual ideas as to how and what to portray. The following printers and publishers chose a simplified outline of the river. The representation of relief for hills was expensive as it meant a longer engraving time. The following publications largely dispensed with relief and simply showed the course of the river as a normal map but kept the illustrations. This type of Rhine map became popular from approx. 1837.

E. 1. Renard & Dubyen 1837

E. 2. Müller / Anon – Schaffhausen-Rotterdam 1839

E. 3. Lackenwitz 1840

E. 4. Halenza / Krätzer c.1844

E. 5 Romen 1845

E. 6. Dondorf 1845

E. 7. Christensen / Maurer – Maehly-Lamy 1845

E. 8. Ravenstein - Topographisches Panorama 1845

E. 9. Halenza / Apelt 1846

E. 10. Lehnhardt / Kapp 1848

E. 11. Müller / Schneider – Miniatur-Panorama c.1850

E. 12. Müller / Sauerborn – Strassburg-Düsseldorf c.1850

E. 13. Benedix, Roderich / A Bagel 1855

E. 1. Renard & Dubyen 1837

Cover title

Panorama des Rheins von Köln bis Mainz.

Cover imprint is: Köln bei Renard und Dübyen. (Sattler has Renard und Dubyen.)
Folds into plain card boards with simple paper label and cloth spine. Both ties present and good.

Map title
Der Rhein von Cöln bis Mainz (centrally) below Köln which is at bottom with title in French (below left) and in English (below right) and Cologne J E Renard, Librarie Editeur and German and foreign Bookseller. Vignette scene centrally of a fisherman with nets – after C Stanfield (Sattler). Engraved view of Rhine from Cöln (bottom) to Mainz with 21 engraved panels both left and right and a central engraving of Mainz at top. Has one bridge at Köln – Deutzer Brücke, 1822 and one bridge at Mainz.


Cover (with title vertical) is 220 x 100 mm. Engaved area is approx. 215 x 1000 mm: Map is approx. 830 x 105 mm; the views take up all the remaining space. View of Mainz at top and title panel below.
Lithography from 3 plates; 1000 x 215 mm; 43 vignettes (Sattler).

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Sattler, Rheinpanoramen E11 / 8A
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 46 (p. 104)

E. 2. Müller / Anon – Schaffhausen-Rotterdam 1839

Cover title

Karte Des Rheins von Schaffhausen bis Rotterdam and imprint Coblenz bei J Heinrich1839 all on sticker applied to slipcase.

Map title

Karte Du Rhin von Schaffhausen jusqu á Rotterdam (top centrally) above title in German Karte Des Rheins von Schaffhausen bis Rotterdam and imprint Coblenz bei J Heinrich 1839 all in title panel at top of map.

Engraved view of Rhine from Rotterdam (top) to Schaffhausen. No views, narrow margin. One allegorical vignette of Father Rhine at bottom below Basel and Schaffhausen.

Slipcover (with title sticker applied vertical) is 220 x 100 mm. Engaved area is approx. 1400 x 70 mm.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas

Not in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen
Not in Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama

Title and detail -
Illustration is on-line. Can  anyone help providing a credit (library)?

E. 3. Lackenwitz 1840

Steel plates of early Rhine map / panorama

Cover title

1. Map has no cover, title of map is RHEINLAUF von Strasburg bis Rotterdam / COURS du RHIN de Strasbourg à Rotterdam / COURSE of the RHINE from Strasburg to Rotterdam.

Map title
The map is actually two steel plates with simplified map of the Rhine river from Rotterdam at top to Strasburg at bottom.
The map itself shows the course of the Rhine plus a great many tributaries and (especially in the south) the main roads to the east and west of the river. In the north the rivers Maas, Alte (or old) Maas and the Leck are also shown. No railways are shown and Cologne Cathedral is portrayed with no steeple or towers.
The map is illustrated with 12 small vignette views of the various towns as seen from the river or a vantage point on a hill opposite. Each view (there are 3 on the left, 9 on the right bank) is only circa 25 mm high and is between 55 and 80 mm wide, the largest being Das Siebengebirg, an area southeast of Bonn near both Königswinter and Bad Honnef and consisting of some 40 “mountains” (highest ca. 460 meters) and hills of volcanic origin.
There is no border and the steel plates are each 450 x 200 mm with the engraved area approx. 870 x 180 mm for the complete map.

2. Map found in Handbuch, für Reisende mit Dampfschiffen von London bis Straßburg. This volume was written by F.L. Lachenwitz, who had been K. Kreis-Sekretär and Inspector by the Rheinischen Dampfschiffahrts-Direkzion in Cologne, 1836.
The title is the same as that of the steel plates and is in three languages (English centrally below, German (left) and French (right). Below Herzogenbusch (sic) on the steel plates there is a note on Booking Offices (in 3 languages), together with a note on coach connections (also in 3 languages) and above a view of Krefeld.
The handbook map shows the same course of the Rhine but with only two small vignette views of Das Siebengebirg (sic). Whereas the steel plates would have been used for intaglio printing, this map is a lithograph and has the printer´s signature in two languages: Lithogr. Institut der Gebr. Kehr & Niesse in Cöln and Lithographie des fréres Kehr & Niessen á Cologne.
The note on Booking Offices (in 3 languages) is between Worms and Speyer (left) and the note on coach connections (3 languages) is placed between Karlsruhe and Srtrasbourg (right). There is now a five-line border and the area at Dinslaken is missing as is the area west of Venlo (north of Jülich) and small area south of Weilburg (which is also missing). The approx. size of the lithographed area is 895 x 160 mm.
Dedication page to Dem Präsidenten der Verwaltung der Rheinischen Dampfschiffahrt, Herrn Heinrich Merkens, Ritter des rothen Adlerordens.

The engraved area for the complete map is approx. 870 x 180 mm.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Not in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen
Not in Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama

Detail of map sheet with views

Two steel plates used for engraving

E. 4. Halenza / Krätzer c.1844

Cover title

Das Rheinland von BASEL bis Rotterdam with signature gezeichnet von G Krätzer and imprint Verlag von Joseph Halenza. Blue card covers. Back has advertising for Halenza's publishing house. Joseph Halenza, Buch- und Kunsthändler in Mainz. hauptniederlage von Reiseliteratur , Kupferstichen, Lithographien, Landkarten, Planen, Panoramen, Ansichten, deutschen, französischen und englischen Werken.

Map title
Das Rheinland von BASEL bis Rotterdam with signature gezeichnet von G Krätzer and imprint Verlag von Joseph Halenza. all at top of map.
Engraved view of Rhine from Rotterdam (top) to Schaffhausen. Twelve views, no margin. Titles in French – Cours du Rhin de Bale à Rotterdam
- and English Course of the Rhine from Basel to Rotterdam - at bottom below Basel and Schaffhausen.

Cover (with title horizontal) is 220 x 75 mm. Engaved area is approx. 1400 x 70 mm.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Not in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen

Not in Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 

Title section
Illustrated on-line courtesy of the Rheinische Landesbibliothek

E. 5. Romen, J L 1845

Cover title

Rheinlauf von Schaffhausen bis Rotterdam (mit interessanten architektonischen u. geschichlichen Denkmälern als Randbilder geziert. Nebst Bezeichnung der Eisenbahnen.) Printer’s signature: EMMERICH, Druck u. Verlag v. J. L. ROMEN. Further titles in French (left) and English (right). View of Köln below centrally between illustrations of river gods and nymphs. Front and back covers are identical.

Map title
Rheinlauf von Schaffhausen bis Rotterdam with repeat of cover titles and text layout, but the illustrations are new: foliage, shells and river god with nymph in unframed top panel. Rhine map approx. 175 wide and 1600 mm long (with panels), uncoloured and including (19 left) sites and (21 right) illustrations of statues and monuments including an illustrations of a train. Bottom panel has further attractive view: River source at Drachenfels and Rolandseck. Very nice condition.

Folds into yellow card cover. Estimated to be 1855 or so as railway to Bonn only.

Cover (h) is 145 x 210 mm. Area of map detail: 175 wide and 1380 mm from Rotterdam (top) to Zurich (bottom) inside narrow one-line border.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Sattler, Rheinpanoramen E12
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 19 (p. 92)

Cover of author's copy

Title panel and mouth of Rhine at Rotterdam

E. 6. B Dondorf   1845

Cover title

Front cover has Nouveau Panorama du Rhin with three river views (Rüdesheim, Johannesberg and Rheinstein) with De Mayence Jusqu´a Cologne below with floral decoration of vines.

Rear cover has title in English – Panorama & Views of the Rhine above central panel with various illustrations and Panorama et Vues du Rhin avec Illustrations centrally and From Maience to Cologne with Illustrations below.

Map title
Map has no title. Engraved map of Rhein from Cöln (top) to Mainz inside double border. The border is decorated with various views and scenes (presumably from famous stories and legends; 10 right and 8 left). At top there is a view of Cologne and another view of Mainz below. Map area is 360 x 60 mm. Complete length is 450 mm.
There appear to be two railways. One starts at Cologne and travels to Bonn keeping near the river bank and arriving in the centre of that town; looks conjectural. A second line on the opposite bank to Mainz seems to go from Hochheim to Mosbach.
Stahlstich von 1 Platte; 460 x 140 mm. 20 Ansichten (including Köln (top) and Mainz (bottom) and other Randbilder und Sagendarstellungen. Karte 360 x 60 mm.
Imprints below view of Mainz: Eigenthum u. Verlag B Dondorf in Frankfurt a/M. (left) and gedr. bei B. Dondorf (right).
The inside covers are taken up with a currency convertor on the inside front and a blank page for notes (Notices) inside back cover.

Cover (h) is 90 x 145 mm. Area of map detail: 360 x 60 with total size 450 x 135 mm.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Sattler, Rheinpanoramen E13
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 40 (p. 101)

Cover of author's copy

Footer illustration

E. 7. Christensen / Maurer – Maehly-Lamy 1845

Cover title

Carte des Bords Du Rhin depuis Schaffhouse à Rotterdam avec Indication des Chemins de Fer. Folds into 36 sections and with decorated cardboard slipcase.

Cover imprint is: Se trouve à Basle chez Maehly-Lamy … ditto chez Schreiber & Walz … á Londres chez Johanning & Co. View of early train between title and imprints. View of a Rhine steamer at top. Reverse has Explanation of the Signs in three languages (D, F, GB).

Map title
Carte Du Rhin depuis Schaffhouse à Rotterdam (centrally) together with the imprints as found on the slipcase cover. All above a vignette view of Rotterdam.
Engraved view of Basle (centrally at bottom) with two signatures: Lith de P Christen à Basle (AeOS) and Maurer (fecit, EeOS).
The top and bottom central panels are Rotterdam and Basle as noted, these are flanked by a vignette left and right (making a total 6 vignettes top and bottom). The ten central sections are always flanked by two vignettes to left and right making a total of 46 views. There are 5 inset maps of important train connections.
  1. Cours der Paqueboots a Bateaux à Vapeur en rapport avec les Chemins de Fer (routes between GB and ports between Boulogne and Rotterdam).
  2. Chemins de Cologne à Anvers etc. (inc. Brüssels).
  3. Chemins de Fer de Strasbourg à Francfort.
  4. Chemins de Fer depuis Basle à Strasbourg
  5. [No title.] Area around Schaffhousen.

Cover (with title vertical) is 160 x 110 mm. Whole folds out to approx. 1280 x 280 mm; central map panel is 1050 x 155 mm.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Sattler, Rheinpanoramen 8B/E14
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 45 (p. 103)

Cover of author's copy

Top four panels of map

E. 8. Ravenstein - Topographisches Panorama 1845

Cover title

Printed paper covers with floral decorated border. Ravenstein's Topographisches Taschen‑Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Köln. Mit humoristischen Randzeichnungen von J. B. Sonderland. Followed by parallel title in English and French. Price and imprint: Frankfurt a. M. 1845. Verlag der E Ullmann´schen Buch- und Kunst- und Antiquariats-Handlung, Steinweg, E. 223.

Map title
Ravenstein's Topographisches Panorama der Rheinlande von Mainz bis Köln above and below the complete map panels. Imprint is repeated at bottom of sheet but without the address.  Schematic representation of railway line from Köln to Bonn with line finishing just to south of latter. Railway from Kostheim to Biebrich on right bank opposite Mainz.
There are panels top and bottom showing Die Rheinische Eisenbahn (40 mm x 155 mm, top) ) which shows route from Köln to Aachen via Düren and Die Taunus Eisenbahn (below) showing route from Bieberich-Mainz to Frankfurt (40 x 155 mm), maps. Map title is repeated below bottom railway map with publisher´s information: Verlag der E. Ullmann´schen Buch- Kunst- und Antiquariats-Handlung in Frankfurt a/M.
Farblithographie von 4 Platten (only the river is in colour), 1660 x 180 mm.
The central section showing the map of the course of the Rhine from Köln a top to Mainz is decorated with humorous scenes as stated in the cover title. There are three separate groups of vignettes to left and six more complicated scenes to the right making a total of 28/29 views. These portray aspects of life along the river including fishing and winemaking.

Cover (title horizontal) is 135 x 185 mm. Whole folds out to approx. 1280 x 280 mm; central map panel is 1050 x 155 mm.

8° Kart. 28053

See Flüsse im Herzen Europas R 60
See Sattler, Rheinpanoramen E15 / 35C
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 79 (p. 115)

Cover of author's copy

Section of map detail

E. 9. Halenza / Apelt    1846

Cover title

Rhein-Panorama von Schaffhausen bis Rotterdam. Nebst angränzenden Städten, Routten, Flüssen & den Belgisch-rheinischen Eisenbahnen. Signature: Neu gezeichnet und lithographiert von Apelt. Imprint:  Mainz, Verlag von Joseph Halenza, 1846. All within attractive border decoration. Reverse has same information in French in a different decorative border. Light blue printed card covers.

Map title
RHEINLAUF von Basel bis Rotterdam in flowing script above imprint: Verlag von Joseph Halenza in Mainz.
Lithography. Rhine with 154 vignettes (53 left and 101 right although Holzhäuer has 152).  In addition there are seven simplified railway route plans, a plan of the gardens at Schwetzingen  and an Explanation. A further railway map is attached Rheinisch-Belgischen Eisenbahn. Holzhäuer copy is recorded as having an accompanying text booklet in French, 14 pp.
A map of the course of the Rhine with the various railway connections added at the side as well as copious illustrative vignettes. Unusual in having four separate scenes related to Karlsruhe! At the upper reaches of the Rhine where three countries enjoy a common border (i.e. Baden in Germany, Alsace in France and Switzerland) the artist has attempted to supply sights for all three in the margin; the lack of space has meant that these illustrations are that much smaller.

Cover (h) is 135 x 250 mm. Area of map detail varies between 100 and 180 mm in width with space between map and border filled with illustrations as described.
Lithography; total length of panorama: 1810 x 245 mm. Extra railway map size 115 x 415 mm but extending across the two-line border at Valenciennes (actual size of sheet is 175 x 470 mm).

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Not in Sattler
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 23 (p. 94)

Cover of author's copy

Detail section of map

E. 10. Lehnhardt / Kapp   1848

Cover title

Panorama Du Rhin. Folds into plain red boards with no decoration (author's copy).
Panorama of the Rhine – see Holzhäuser Der Rhein im Panorama 31 (p. 96)
Panorama des Rheins – see Holzhäuser Der Rhein im Panorama 32 (p. 97)

Map title
DER RHEIN von seiner Mündung bis Schaffhausen bearbeitet von J Lehnhardt (centrally). Publisher’s imprint above title: Eigentum und Verlag von David Kapp in Mainz. Map begins immediately below this with North Sea by Rotterdam.
There is an accompanying 24-page booklet Le Rhin et ses Environs de Schaffhouse jusqu’a la Mer du Nord with Kapp imprint: Mayence Chez David Kapp, Editeur. Last date in text is 1848 (pp.3 and 14). The title page of the book continues … ornée de 32 vignettes … but this is not correct for this issue. English and German translations in relevant edition.
The lithographic map covers the complete Rhine to Schaffhausen, as noted, and is flanked left and right by vignettes and city plans. The eleven sections contain twenty-five hand coloured views  (12 left, 13 right) and there are twelve city plans. The map is coloured to show countries and German territories.

Cover (with title horizontal) is 225 x 115 mm. Map approx. 1140 x 220 mm; total 1220 x 220 (with title panel).

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
See Sattler, Rheinpanoramen 8D which has 20 views and 10 city plans (c. 1858).
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 31 (1851) and 32 (1857)

Title page of author's copy

Header and upper section in detail

E. 11. Müller / Schneider – Miniatur-Panorama  c.1850 

Cover title
Miniatur-Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Düsseldorf with imprint Coblenz Verlag J. Heinr. Müller in plain card covers with floral leaf decoration around. Reverse has same leaf decoration around border and a large vase of flowers in central panel.

Map title
Miniatur-Panorama des Rheins von Mainz bis Düsseldorf with imprint Coblenz bei J. Heinr. Müller in plain field above map itself. Below this is a small vignette view of Düsseldorf within an overall thin two-line border and above the Rhine panorama. This has simplified Rhine river with hills to each side. Down the right hand side (within border) there are 10 views a view of the cathedral in Mainz is below Bingen (the river bends here) and to the left of Mainz (bottom). A small vignette view of Mainz is at bottom.
The cathedral in Köln is still missing its towers. No railways are shown.

Cover (with title horizontal) is 225 x 115 mm. Map approx. 1140 x 220 mm; total 1220 x 220 (with title panel).
Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas 
Not in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen 
Not in Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 

Title section
Illustration on-line courtesy of Rheinische Landesbibliothek, Coblenz

E. 12. Müller / Sauerborn – Strassburg-Düsseldorf   c.1850

Cover title
Panorama des Rheins von Strassburg bis Düsseldorf with note: Nach der natur gezeichnet und mit den interessantesten architektonischen u. geschichtlichen Denkmälern als Randbildern geziert von Saurborn (sic) followed by the imprint Coblenz Verlag von J. Heinrich Müller in plain field with simple border and small foliage in corners. Reverse has same information in French. Note spelling of engraver (Sauerborn in title panels).

Map title
Parallel title in German (left) and French (right): Panorama des Rheins von Strassburg bis Düsseldorf with note: Nach der natur gezeichnet und mit den interessantesten architektonischen u. geschichtlichen Denkmälern als Randbildern geziert von Sauerborn followed by the imprint Coblenz bei J. Heinrich Müller in plain field above map itself. Below this is a small vignette Ansicht von Düßseldorf above the Rhine panorama. This has simplified Rhine river as map. Down the right hand side (within border) there are 10 views a view of the cathedral in Mainz is below Bingen (the river bends here) and to the left of Mainz (bottom). A small vignette Ansicht von Strassburg is at bottom.
Twenty-six views left (12) and right (14) of river with illustration of Strassburg cathedral as last.

Cover (with title horizontal) is 225 x 115 mm. Map approx. 1140 x 220 mm; total 1220 x 220 (with title panel).

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Not in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen.
Not in Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 

Title and head illustration (Galerie Goyert copy)

Lower section and foot illustration (Galerie Goyert copy)

E. 13. Benedix / Bagel  1852


Cover title

1. Karte vom Laufe des Rheins von Basel bis Rotterdam nebst genauer Angabe der Eisenbahnen, verschiedenen Städte-Plänen und ein Wegweiser für diese Reise. A. Bagel, Wesel. Publisher's imprint and date: Wesel 1852. Druck und Verlag von A Bagel. Simple border with small decoration in corners. Plain blue paper printed covers. Back cover has main title in English and French. Inside covers advertise books by Roderick Benedix and further maps.

2. Karte vom Laufe des Rheins von Basel bis Rotterdam. Folds into attractive yellow card cover with interesting border on front cover only. Back cover has note on the Handbuch für die Reise von Rotterdam nach Strassburg. No printer’s signature but books advertised on inside front and back covers advertise books by Roderick Benedix

Map title
1.  Der Lauf des Rheins von Basel bis Rotterdam with title in French below this. Rhine map approx. 135 wide and 1330 mm long, coloured to show countries/Länder along route and including 5 maps and plans and 2 monuments.
2. Der Lauf des Rheins von Basel bis Rotterdam only. Rhine map including 7 maps and plans and 5 other illustrations of monuments. Imprint below map: Wesel bei A Bagel .
With 16 page booklet Wegweiser und Notizen inside cover. Contains information on places along the way, less historical information, hence dates in early 1800s are no indication of age. Estimated to be 1855.
Differences between the two versions: 2 includes statues to Kurfürsten Johann Wilhelm zu Düsseldorf and to Gutenberg and there is a small view of Koblenz and Ehrenbreitstein. In map 1, the plans of Köln (Cöln in this map), Frankfurt, Mainz and Strasburg are detailed and have full explanation below each; plan of the gardens at the palace at Schwetzingen is simple. 2 Has much simpler plans of the first three cities, and of the grounds at Schwetzingen, but has plans of Bonn and Wiesbaden and a plan of Carlsruhe replaces the plan of Strasburg.
Holzhäuer has title as (1) above but presumably no date as she dates it as [um 1850].
An anonymous steel engraving on 3 plates, 1362 x 145 mm, 2 side llustrations and 5 town plans, colouring at borders; 15 pp. text leaflet in German.
The text booklet records that: Karlsruhe, Residenz des Grossherzogs von Baden, ist eine neue, schön und regelmässig gebaute Stadt. Einw.: 25,000, Merkw.: das Schloss mit Bibliothek, Kunst- und Naturalien-Sammlungen, die katholische Kirche; die Synagoge, das Rathaus, der Schlossgarten mit botanischen Sammlungen und Ettlingen, alte römische Niederlassung, römische Denkmäler, Einw.: 3400.

Cover 2 (v) is 160 x 105 mm. Area of map detail: 135 wide and 1330 mm inside narrow two-line border.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Not in Sattler Rheinpanoramen
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 48 (um 1850) 

Cover of author's copy

Detail showing mix of map, plan and illustration

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