Tuesday 11 October 2016

Category G - Masterpieces of lithography

Sattler G. Lithographic Masterpieces 

Sattler noted two exemplary Rhine panoramas engraved using stone to produe lithographic copies and I have added one further example.

G. 1. Friedrichsen - Müller

G. 2. Kapp - Becker

G. 3. Arntzen

G. 1. Friedrichsen - Müller      1850

Cover title

Panorama des Rheins von Schaffhausen bis Rotterdam von P. A. Friedrichsen and imprint Coblenz bei J. Heinrich Müller. Illustration of a Rhine steamboat depicted between title and imprint. Complete surrounded by grape design. Title in French on reverse whereby the illustration is probably The Adler (German version of the first steam engine The Rocket).
Folds into ochre paper on board.

Map title
Panorama des Rheins von Schaffhausen bis Rotterdam. Nach der Natur gezeichnet und mit den intereßantesten, archltektonischen und geschichtlichen Denkmälern als Randbildern geziert von P. A. Friedrichsen and imprint Coblenz bei J. Heinrich Müller. with parallel title in French. Title panel is 130 x 200 mm. The bottom of the map is taken up with a large engraving of the Rhine by Schaffhausen with the Rheinfall and below this, flanked by a vine decoration are Father Rhine and a river nymph (total size 250 x 215 mm including tree on left).
Engraved map of river from Rotterdam (top) to Schaffhausen (bottom) with place names alongside the river and not placed in margins. Copious drawings of buildings and a few statues etc fill all the available space. Additionally three extra leaves have been added (near Mannheim with views of Schloß Schwetzingen; at Strasburg; and at Alt and Neu Breisach) each showing a number of views.
There would appear to be no bridges over the Rhine except for the one at Basel. Even at Coblenz, the Mosel Bridge is not shown despite having been built in 1334.
Rheinlaufkarte ohne Geländedarstellung. Im Vordergrund stehen die großen Ansichten von den bedeutendsten Architekturdenkmälem am Rhein in klassischer Zeichnung.
Die "echte" Lokomotive "DER ADLER" (Hersteller Stephenson &Co, Fabriknummer 118) wurde nach ihrer Ausmusterung im Jahre 1857 verschrottet. Sie gelangte 1835 auf dem Wasser- und Landweg nach Nürnberg. Da man damals eine so schwere Maschine nicht als Ganzes transportieren konnte, wurde sie für den Transport in Einzelteile zerlegt. In Nürnberg wurde sie zusammengebaut. Der Eröffnungsfahrt war am 7.Dezember 1835. DER ADLER hatten die beiden 3.Klasse-Wagons kein Dach... Man sollte aber nicht zu pingelig sein, und den Anblick so genießen, wie er sich darstellt! Der Adler" gehörte zur Serie "Patentee". Die vorhergehende, ab 1830 gebaute Serie hieß "Planet"; deren Vorgänger war die Serie "Rocket".
Der Hauptunterschied zwischen den Serien Rocket und Planet war die Unterbringung der Zylinder. Bei der Serie Rocket waren die Zylinder außen angebracht, bei der Planet-Serie befanden sie sich unterhalb der Rauchkammer und waren von seitlich außen nicht sichtbar. Durch die neue Anordnung der Zylinder wurden Wärmeverluste reduziert

Cover (h) is 155 x 225 mm. Area of map detail: 1825 x 190 mm with names on map and not specifically occupying the margins.
Lithographie; total length 2260 x 215 mm. 98 Randbilder, davon 17 auf 3 ausklappbaren Teilen, als Fußbild eine Ansicht "Der Rheinfall bei Schaffhausen".  80 Kart. 27792

See Flüsse im Herzen Europas R 55
Holzhäuser Der Rhein im Panorama 37, 38 (p. 99)

Cover of author's copy

Superb example of illustration

Examples of the border illustrations

G. 2. Kapp - Becker    1853

Cover title

a)    David Kapp’s Panorama des Rhein´s - Erste und Einzige in Farben gedruckte Ausgabe. Black moiré silk cover with gold title in border with floral corners (Author´s copy).
b)    Same title but in plain red cover (copy sold by Haas, Hamburg).

Map title
David Kapp’s New Panorama of the Rhine from Mentz to Cologne centrally with title in French (left) and German (below) and publisher’s imprint centrally below: Original Edition Property of the Editor David Kapp at Mentz. Engraved view of Rhein from Cöln (top) to Mainz with title panel on last fold below Mainz. Engraver’s signature below illustration of Schloss Biebrich at Mainz: W Becker gez. U. lith. Map occupies central portion with illustrations occupying wide margins. Complete length is 1900 mm.
Two top views show completed (left) and incomplete (right) cathedral in Cologne.
Der zeichner und Lithograph Wilhelm Becker hat sich nur ganz klein am Ende der Karte verewigt. Auf dem Titel des Textheftes steht sein Name in winzigem Druck. Dieser Trend wird sich fortsetzen: Der Name des Verlegers tritt in den Vordergrund. Das Panorama gehört dem Verleger; der Zeichner bekam wohl eine einmalige Abfindung.
Der Verlag von David Kapp etablierte sich 1847 ebenfalls in Mainz. Anscheinend stand er mit Halenza in scharfer Konkurrenz. Die Firma erlosch zu Anfang der 1890er Jahre.
One (pontoon?) bridge at Cöln. Railway to Biebrich only on right hand bank opposite Mainz. Railway to Bonn only. Original Ausgabe 1853.
20-page Booklet, Der Nouveau Panorama du Rhin de Mayence à Cologne, publie par David Kapp with dedication to Louis III, Grand-duke of Hesse-Darmstadt. Text in French which describes course of Rhine from Mayence to Mühlheim and three tales of the Rhine including that of Konrad von Boppard. Booklet has printer’s signature opposite first page: Reuter et Wallau, Imprimeurs, Mayence. Last date in text 1850 (pp. 6 and 16).

Cover (h) is 170 x 290 mm. Area of map detail: 1730 x 150 mm with illustrations neatly laid down in margins which include scenes from historical tales, e.g. Konrad von Boppard or the “Unfriendly Brothers”.
Farblithographie von 4 Platten; 1940 x 285 mm, 46 Randbildern.            8° Kart. 27948.

State 2. Cover title is: New Panorama of the Rhine from Mayence to Cologne, ornamented with 46 marginal views and a description. Also has imprint: David Kapp, Publisher, Mayence and slogan To be had of the publisher and of all respectable booksellers at home and abroad. Price 6 Shillings. Printer’s signature: J Gottsleben’s Buchdruckerei in Mainz.

Folds into paper on board with cloth spine with title in 2 languages – title (as above) in English on one side and French on reverse within an ornamental frame in green.  
Black and white only. French sub-titles added to most views. Variant views include two of Cologne cathedral (top), Argenfels replaces Marienkapelle (near Oberlahnstein) and sarcophagus of Herzogin Elisabeth von Nassau (died 1845) replaces Geisenheim.
20-Page booklet, lacking dedication otherwise as last.
Two bridges at Cöln (Hohenzollenbrücke), second bridge at Mainz (Eisenbahnbrücke by Gerber), and fixed bridge (Pfaffendorferbrücke) at Koblenz. Railway along river bank at Mainz. Railways left and right of Rhine to Koblenz, then right bank to Bonn.                                                                    

Flüsse im Herzen Europas R57 (but illustration on page 28 is different map).
Sattler, Rheinpanoramen G18 / 12B
Holzhäuser Der Rhein im Panorama 35 (p. 51 and 81) and 36 (Doppelalbum)

Cover of author's copy (colour)

Cover of author's copy (b/w)

Section of coloured edition

G. 3. Arntzen   1860

Cover title

Rhein Panorama von Mainz bis Coeln. Printer’s signature: von A W Arntzen CREFELD. Further titles in French (left) and English (right). Slightly art nouveau decorated frame. Back cover has identical frame and centrally decorated lozenge.

Map title
Rhein Panorama mit 44 Rand‑Ansichten. Neu entworfen, verfertigt und herausgegeben von A. W. Arntzen in Crefeld on first leporelo sheet. Illustration of river god with putti in unframed panel. Map is to be read horizontally, i.e. leporello folds out from left to right (not top to bottom), hence title and illustration make up first "page" when opened.
Rhine map detail approx. 150 mm wide and 1610 mm long (without illustrations and first panel), coloured and actually including 48 (27 top, 21 bottom) sites and illustrations of statues and monuments (four statues in top row are obviously not included in number). Map and views are coloured (Farbige Radierung).

Folds into dark brown (previously maroon?) card cover. Estimated to be 1860 as railway on both sides of river and railway bridge at Köln (Hohenzollernbrücke, 1859).  Last engraving shows Der Dom in Coeln in 1840.

Cover (h) is 170 x 285 mm. Area of map detail: 270 mm wide (with views) and 1610 mm (total length is 1930 mm from left hand side of title page).

See Flüsse im Herzen Europas R 63 Kart. 27984
Not in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen
Holzhäuser Der Rhein im Panorama 39 (p. 101)

Cover of author's copy

Section of map detail

Section of map detail: note two views of Cologne Cathedral.
The top view is how it was expected to be finished 
and the lower image as it was at the time.

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