Monday 10 October 2016

Category H - Photolithography

Category H - Photolithography - the introduction of colour

Towards the end of the 1860s photolithography became a popular medium for all sorts of travel souvenirs. The Rhine panorama integrated this new medium with varying success and also highly varying quality of results.

Sattler divided this categoy into two; H was single monochrome work with category I being the full colour version. His category H lists only three proponents of Photolithography, namely Philip Frey, Wilhelm Schütz and Moritz Zobel. however, I believe there are one or two problems with his entries and I have introduced a few who might be considered for other categories.

H. 1. Philip Frey

H. 2 Wilhelm Schütz I

H. 3. Anon I

H. 4. Moritz Zobel

H. 5. Aime Henry

H. 6. Michael Foppen

H. 7. Gerhard Blümlein

H. 8. Wilhelm Schütz II

H. 9. Lesimple

H. 1. Philip Frey

The work of Philip Frey has already been discussed under Category D (Experiments  see D. 6). The leporellos listed here are just five examples of the type which the publishing house of Philip Frey continued to reproduce from the 1870s to the turn of the century. They are all based on his earlier booklet which included sixteen sections, each comprising a photographic plate, pasted together to form an album. Over the years certain changes were made, most significantly the view of Cologne Cathedral. Not all the maps presented here are photolithographs but they were all based on the same original drawing.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
See Sattler, Rheinpanoramen H20, H21 / 9A-9D
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 49-54 (p. 105 ff.)

Example 1

Neuestes Rhein Panorama von Ph. Frey & Co in Frankfurt a. M. surrounded by attractive decoration all in gold on red boards with plain reverse except for blind-stamped frame.

Map title
Map has no title and as described. Printed in sepia brown. No bridge at Bonn.

Cover (with title horizontal) is 100 x 145 mm. Map area is approx. 120 x 1460 mm within border (i.e. full length but 10 mm margins left and right).

Example 2


Neueste Ausgabe von Ph. Frey & Co’s Duodes- Panorama des Rhein-Stromes von Mainz bis CölnCopyright note on reverse: Nachbildungen werden gerichtlich verfolgt!

Folds into red paper printed card boards (detached – one on top, one at bottom).

Map title
Map has no title and as described. Map in grey printed conventionally onto cheap paper and with red text for sights.

Cover (with title horizontal) is 75  x 110 mm. Map area is approx. 100 x 1050 mm.

Example 3

Neuestes Taschen- Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Köln nach speziellen topographischen Aufnahmen ausgeführt von Ph. Frey & Co’s Kunstinstitut in Frankfurt a. M.

Copyright note: Nachbildungen werden gerichtlich verfolgt!
Folds into plain publisher’s printed card boards with no title on reverse.

Map title
Map has no title and as described. Blue photolithographic view of Rhine from Cöln (top) to Mainz as described. Twenty-four page booklet pasted in Der Rheinstrom with text in German on pages 1-8 in single column page followed by text in French (left column) and English (right) in two columns. Last date in text is 1876 (p.14). Bridge south of Bonn added.

Cover (with title horizontal) is 100 x 145 mm. Map area is approx. 120 x 1460 mm within border (i.e. full length but 10 mm margins left and right).

Cover (with title horizontal) is 70 x 110 mm. Map area is approx. 1040 x 105 mm.

Example 4

Neuestes Rheinpanorama.

Folds into red cloth covered boards with attractive floral design and picture of Loreley.

Map title
Map is identical to last entry but considerably larger. This copy has a new view of Cologne cathedral in its finished state. Photolithographic example in sepia. 15-Page booket pasted in at end with text in German, French and English in 3 columns.

Cover is 165 x 245 mm. Map area is approx. 2400 x 200 mm.

Example 5

Der Rhein – Les Bords du Rhin – Beauties of the Rhine.

Folds into red cloth covered embossed boards with attractive floral design.

Map title
Album of sepia views (12 pp. – 24 views). Map of Rhine attached at back. Poor quality printing on poor quality paper. Copy of Frey but late: Only one bridge visible at Mainz but the railway line is sketched in just north of Mainz, predicting the construction of the new bridge.

Book cover 205 x 155 mm. Map 1440 mm x 140 mm.

Examples 1-5 -Cologne

Examples 1-5 - Mainz

H. 2. Wilhelm Schütz I

Wilhelm Schütz established his publishing business in Eisenach and distributed a Rhine panorama towards the 1880s which was reissued several times and with varying covers as well as printing. The following map has no title but does have a view at top and bottom: in the first three examples there is a Totalansicht von Cöln top showing boats on river and a Totalansicht von Mainz below displaying thebridge. These examples are all from my collection. Cologne Cathedral is complete in all examples below. All panoramas bear the imprint: Eigenthüm u. Verlag v. Wilhelm Schülz, hofbuchb. Eisenach, just below Mainz view panel. All have a third bridge at Koblenz – Horchheimer Eisenbahnbrücke of 1879. 

Note: Sattler has four entries for Schütz – H22, H23, I28 and I29. Also 14C and 16D.
See Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 56, 58, 63 (p. 108ff) for examples

Example 1

Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Cöln on red boards with plain gilt border and small decoration in corners only.

Lithographic view of Rhine from Cöln (top) to Mainz with lithographic views (53, 27 left and 26 right) alongside the river.
Has thin line branching from main rail line towards the spot of the projected bridge at Bonn (passing south of town – the bridge was built from town centre) with train/ferry in river and word “Trajekt”. Railway at Mainz along river.
Also includes a descriptive text written by Wilhelm Schütz – 3 languages x 8 pp each (not necessarily from this panorama) – Erläuternder Text zum Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis CölnPlain border but ornate corners. Last date in text (Sept. 28th)1883 - completion of the monument to Emperor William.
Also included a Rhein-Dampfschiffahrt Kölnische & Düsseldorfer Gesellschaft – Fahrplan vom 10. Mai 1894 (not necessarily from this panorama) – Buchdr. U. Lith. v. M. DuMont-Schauberg, Köln. This is described and shown under AA.7.

Map and views contained within a border with page width of 170 mm and frame 140 mm (outside). Length in total 1270 mm with map 1120 mm. 

Example 2

Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Cöln on red boards with ornate border surrounding title.

Photolithographic reproduction in sepia and pale blue but the borders have now been attractively decorated in a variety of colours in slight “art nouveau” style and views are now coloured. Has extra section at each view with Von Mainz bis Köln bzw. Von Köln bis Mainz.
Map as described above but  this examle (and the next) have branch from main rail line and a bridge at Bonn (south of the town itself – the bridge was built from town centre). Railway at Mainz through city.

Length in total 1270 mm with map 1120 mm.

Example 3

Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Cöln on red boards with ornate border surrounding title.

Sepia and green/blue only, plain border. Same views top and bottom with extra text introduced in 2 above. Addition of two vignettes (both left) of Kaiser Wilhelm monument and Blücher statue. Has the bridge at Bonn. Railway at Mainz through city.

Also includes a descriptive text written by Wilhelm Schütz – 3 languages x 10 pp each (not necessarily from this panorama) – Erläuternder Text zum Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Cöln. Would seem to be same text as 1 above but new type-setting. 

Length in total 1270 mm with map 1120 mm: 

Example 4

Rhein-Panorama von Mainz - Cöln on red boards with black ornate art nouveau border surrounding title. 

Sepia and green/blue only, plain border. Revised vignette of theatre and Blücher Denkmal altered (square frame replaces circular). Placenames have been added in the river. Has the third bridge at Mainz (railway through city). Altogether more crude vatiation with almost manuscript style redrawing of railway bridge at Cologne and inroduction of third Mainz (railway brige). Has an extra three folding sections with views of National Monument at the Niederwald. There is a new view at top CÖLN VON DEUTZ GESEHEN and new view below MAINZ. The attractive scond title removed top and bottom. Mainz theatre view different.


Length in total 1270 mm with map 1120 mm: 

Views of Cologne 1-4

Views of Mainz 1-4

H. 3. Anon I

Example 1

Neues Rhein-Panorama Mainz – Coeln.

Folds into red publisher’s boards with gilt title and border in characteristic art nouveau style. No title but VON CÖLN top left and BIS MAINZ top right.
Lithographic view of Rhein in sepia and green/blue from Cöln (top) to Mainz with lithographic views alongside the river. Double line border to map and illustrations each within a frame, some resembling pictures on paper. Cover 100 x 170 mm. Length 1140 mm. 

Includes bridge at Bonn (from town centre) in simplistic style (i.e. it looks like it was added later than the original plate) with no road connections. Three bridges at Coblenz. There are only two bridges at Mainz and the views of the Theatre and Stadthalle here have a title.

Scene at Mainz

Example 2


Panorama vom Rhein Mainz – Coeln.

Folds into red publisher’s boards with gilt title and heavily framed border with flower ornamentation in corners.  Cover140 x 230 mm. . Length 1600 mm. Lithographic enlargement of above with extra bridge.

There are now three bridges at Mainz including the new railway bridge north of the city, again clearly added later and in simplistic style.
The author's copy also  has (loose) 32 pp. booklet:  Der Rhein .. von Mainz bis Cöln … Herausgegeben von Wilhelm Schütz … Ausgabe 1906. This is most probably from another leporello. Schütz typically included an imprint and the panorama would seem to predate the booklet.

Final panel showing Mainz and new railway bridge (north of town)

H. 4. Moritz Zobel

Moritz Zobel established a printing and publising company in Dresden. The example here is listed in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen 14D, but the second example seen (no longer in my collection) seems to be an unusual advertising attempt by a Cologne toy sop.

Example 1

RHEIN-PANORAMA von Köln bis Mainz. on pale brown boards with decorative floral bouquet of vine leaves surrounding central title illustration of Niederwald Denkmal. Reverse blank. 

Map has no title. Photolithograph in good quality panorama in plain grey sepia tones from Köln top and Mainz below, river blue. Imprint: DRUCK & VERL. D. KUNSTANST. F. LITHOGR. & STEINDR., MORITZ ZOBEL, DRESDEN. bottom right below view of Mainz. Lithographic views of Rhine alongside the river, 27 right plus a table of widths and depths just above bottom panel and 34 left. Panel at top (135 mm) is Köln von Deutz gesehen and below is Mainz (110 mm). Plain border.

Has no bridge at Bonn but projected bridge (passing south of town) with train and Trajekt. Three bridges at Koblenz, two at Köln and the second bridge at Mainz is labeled Projectirte Eisenbahn Brücke (sic).

Cover (h) is 160x 235 mm. Map and views contained within a border of 210 mm. Length of river panorama 2165 mm. 

Example 2

RHEIN-PANORAMA von Köln bis Mainz. Spielwarenhaus Puppenkönig KÖLN on red boards with decorative floral bouquet of vine leaves surrounding central title illustration of Niederwald Denkmal. Reverse has Spielwaren Ausstellung - von P H Virnich - Hoflieferant - Köln Hohestarasse 132. gegenüber der Passage - Spielwarenhaus Puppenkönig. Very unusual.

Map as above but  extra illustration of Denkmal Kaiser Wilhelm II at Coblenz. Some memorials have town added, e.g. Moltke and Bismarck in Köln. New Rhine bridge replaces general picture of Bonn. Memorial to Arndt replaced by view of ruins at Drachenfels. 
Has bridge at Bonn as well as projected bridge (passing south of town) with train and Trajekt. The new railway bridge at Mainz is still shown as projected. Size as above.

H. 5. Aime Henry

Panorama des Rheins von Köln bis Mainz. Folds into publisher’s purple cloth boards with attractive blind-stamped border and gilt title (atractive letter R for Rhein). Reverse has same blind-stamping and imprint: A. Henry in Bonn.

Panorama des Rheins von Cöln bis Mainz (top right corner of panorama). Photo-lithographic view of Rhein from Cöln (top) to Mainz with lithographic views along the river. Publisher's imprint at bottom below Mainz: Lith. Just von A Henry in Bonn. Total length approx. 1300 mm.
There are a total of 65 illustrations: 31 left, 34 right (the last is small panorama of Mainz).
Two bridges at Cologne. Three bridges at Coblenz. Two bridges at Mainz. The bridge has not yet been added at Bonn, but there are signs of the projected bridge south of the town and the railway line still proceeds to the bank of the river, and what seems to be a steam train in middle of river. The whole between thick and thin two-line border and coloured in a pale grey-brown, river not coloured.
It may well be that A Henry is Aime Henry who established a printer's firm (Lithographisches Anstalt) in Bonn together with Maximilian Cohen in 1828. If so, the company is still trading today as Bouvier Verlag (Wikipedia)

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Sattler, Rheinpanoramen
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 55 (p. 107) dated to (1885)

Cover (horizontal) 120 x 170 mm. Approx. area of map: 1300 x 140 mm.

H. 6. Michael Foppen

Neuestes Album vom Rhein und Sieben-gebirge.

Folds into red cloth covered boards with attractive floral design of wine leaves and grapes within a rectangular border surrounding title and picture of tower ruins (Ehrenfels) also medallion of head of Germania from the Denkmal a. d. Niederwald top. No reference to Heisterbach.
20 page booklet of sepia views along the Rhine including some of Denkmal a. d. Niederwald and a Gruss aus Bonn (Greetings from Bonn - similar to postcards of time). Map is appended separately on cheap paper and has no title. Lithographic view of Rhine from Mainz (top panel with 6 vignettes plus general view) to Coeln (panel below, 5 vignettes plus general view) with 45 illustrations, 24  left and 21 right, of buildings and sights and the Guttenberg Monument in Mainz. The proposed bridge at Bonn: traject. Two bridges visible at Mainz (the railway bridge north of Mainz is not yet added).
The example here is printed conventionally in black and white. Heavy land shading. Imprint is: Verlag von Michael Foppen in Bonn. An example of the same map but in photolithography in sepia and blue has been seen. This had an extra (engraver's?) signature Heisterbach on the cover.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Not in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen
Holzhäuer Der Rhein im Panorama 59 (p. 109, dated 1895) and Farbtafel 7

Cover (vertical) is 195 x 145 mm. Map area is approx. 1670 x 180 mm, total length (including two panels) 1900 mm.

Photolithography (l) and conventional printing (r, author's copy)

H. 7. G Blümlein

According to Wikipedia the Blümlein company started as a co-operation between Gerhard Blümlein and Friedrich Rau. Their Lithographische Anstalt (Lithography firm) was founded circa 1836 in Winkel in Rhiengau. The Frankfurt address was being used from 1877. Towards the end of the century they seem to have specialised in postcards - also a form of tourist souvenir.
The Rhine leporello listed here has been seen with some variations, indicating it was on sale for a considerable time. Two copies here are illustrated with the courtesy of Galerie Goyert in Cologne. The last example has a cover imprint of Halenza: presumably he bought out Blümlein or acquired his stock post-1900. Example 2 is in my collection.

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Sattler, Rheinpanoramen 14A and 14B
14A: Photolithography; 1740 x 180 mm; 63 illustrations, 2 head images: 50 x 154 mm. (1884)
14B: Photolithography; 1815 x 190 mm; 64 illustrations (2 in view of Cologne), 2 head images: 92 x 157 mm. (1902).

Blümlein examples 1-3

Example 1

Neuestes Rhein-Panorama von Mainz bis Coeln. Folds into red cloth on board with decorative design in corners of outer frame. Blümlein imprint on cover. (Goyert).

No title. Sepia map and photolithographic views of Rhine within frame. One of the top views is the Gürzenichsaal to Coeln. Publisher’s imprint below map: G Blümlein & Co., Frankfurt a. M. No extra scene top or bottom. Total length is 2800 mm.
Only two bridges at Mainz (Eisenbahnbrücke north of town lacking).

Cover (horizontal) is 130 x 90 mm. Approx. area of map: 2820 (?) x 160 mm.

Example 2

Neuestes Rhein -Panorama von Mainz bis Koeln. Folds into red cloth on board with decorative cover with gilt title and gilt inner frame with ornamentation and black outer frame. Reverse is simple blind-stamped frame. (Author's collection).

No title. Grey and light blue map and 63 photolithographic views of Rhine within frame. One of the vignettes is incorrectly given as Richard-Wallraf-Museum in Cöln (for Wallraf-Richardz Museum). Publisher’s imprint below scene of Cologne (at top): G Blümlein & Co.,Verlag, Frankfurt. First fold is scene of Cologne from opposite river bank with views of Post and Bahnhof within picture, bottom scene is the new bridge at Mainz. Total length is 1800 mm.
Only two bridges at Cologne. Includes a third bridge at Mainz (Eisenbahnbrücke north of town).

Cover (horizontal) is 135 x 200 mm. Approx. area of map: 1570 x 165 mm. V good.

 Example 3

Neuestes Rhein -Panorama von Mainz bis Koeln. Folds into red cloth on board with decorative cover with gilt title and gilt inner frame with ornamentation and black outer frame. Reverse is simple blind-stamped frame. Now has imprint of: Jos. Halenza, Mainz. (Goyert)

No title. Grey and light blue map and photolithographic views of Rhine within border. Bottom scene is the new bridge at Mainz.
Includes a third bridge at Mainz (railway bridge north of town).

Cover (horizontal) is 135 x 200 mm. Approx. area of map: 1800 x 190 mm. V good.

(Goyert dates this as c.1905 and catalogues it as Sattler 42B).

Mainz section - note the progress of the railway bridge

H. 8. Wilhelm Schütz II   


Rhein-Panorama on red boards with plain border and wide decorative border design in black.

Map has no title but there is a view of Cologne at top Köln von Deutz gesehen. Lithographic view of Rhine from Cöln (top) to Mainz with lithographic views alongside the river. Illustrations clustered at Köln but less oppressive further down the river.
This example was seen at Galerie Goyert in Cologne who date their copy to 1905 but the bridge view is different, and looks earlier, than the similar view in a later version.

Sattler, Rheinpanoramen I28

Map and views contained within a border with page width of 275 mm and thin two-line frame. Photolithography in blue tone. (I28) 2070 x 230 mm. Cover (Goyert) 275 x 165 mm (h).

H. 9. Adolph Lesimple II   1889

Book title

Praktischer Führer durch die RheinlandeView of the Bornhofen on the Rhine centrally then second title mit Ausflug nach der Bergstrasse, dem Odenwald und Taunus and picture of Father Rhine bottom right. Title page is same but no illustrations. 7. Auflage. Leipzig. Adolf Lesimple´s Verlag. 1889.

Map title
RHEIN-PANORAMA below view of Cologne (Die neue Eisenbahn and Rheinbrücke zu Cöln. With PANORAMA (left) and OF THE RHINE (right) flanking imprint: Adolf Lesimple´s Verlag (Leipzig & Mainz.)
Engraved view of Rhine from Cöln (top) to Mainz with place names alongside the river. Views on both sides of the river and maps (e.g. Frankfurt/Darmstadt bottom right). Signature below left: Entworfen u. Lithographirt von H Birke in Saarlouis

Second bridge at Köln (Hohenzollenbrücke), bridge south of Bonn, second bridge at Mainz (Eisenbahnbrücke by Gerber in addition to pontoon bridge), and fixed bridge (Pfaffendorferbrücke in addition to pontoon bridge) at Koblenz. Railway along river bank at Mainz. Railways left and right of Rhine to Koblenz, then right bank to Bonn.      

Cover (v) is 185 x 120 mm. Area of map detail: 440 x 165 mm with names on map within a finely drawn margin line.Total length 510 mm. 

Not in Flüsse im Herzen Europas
Not in Sattler, Rheinpanoramen

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